Straight Acting Gays and the Site

I've been searching for straight-acting gays in Cebu.

Originally, I'm from Cebu and I've lived here for almost 28 years in my life.

I am what you call discreet gay. Gay, in a sense, that I lose interest in girls when I jumped the age of 24. In full honesty, I've never had girlfriends (only flings). I once considered myself bisexual for a time because I was attracted sexually to men and emotionally to women. Now, after knowing a more precise definition about homosexuality, I have come to embrace it with and have lived with it.

And I won't call myself feminine. I can say though that I do some feminine things but I don't act that way nor will I come up acting that way in the future.

I just am. Simply.

Being straight-acting can be misleading at times. Some girls won't figure me as gay unless I tell them. But, I have never told any girl about my sexuality. Only the girlfriends and wives of my friends have an idea of what I am. About their reaction upon knowing my orientation, that I don't care.

I don't want to advertise my gayness and I don't intend to fully discuss it. I think, my relatives now have an idea about what I am after sharing a few info about a boyfriend that I secretly have. The boyfriend is just a friend now. I sometimes see him as an acquaintance.

Right now, I am not jumping ship from one boyfriend to another. I would like to be in a group that don't act feminine. I know of a group of femme gays. They are my friends and they can be fun to be with. But I want a group of gay guys who are discreet. They may be open or in the closet. I just want to be in a clique.

However, I sometimes see disadvantage to it. The important thing though is that I can be with persons socially, a group that I can express my feelings without pretensions.

Perhaps, the Straight-acting board can help me.


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